European Journal of Legal Studies


European Journal of Legal Studies

Het Europees Universitair Instutuut in Florence heeft een nieuw on-line tijdschrift gelanceerd: de European Journal of Legal Studies (EJLS). Het tijdschrift wil een kruisbestuiving van ideeën in het rechtsgeleerd onderzoek teweegbrengen. In het eerste nummer staan de "Cross-perspectives in Law" centraal. Voor het tweede nummer, over 'Judging Judges', kunt u nog tot 16 september een paper inleveren.

Persbericht van het Europees Universitair Instituut

A new venture has been launched in Europe which aims to make a distinctive and unique contribution to academic legal thought. The law researchers at the European University Institute (EUI) have set up an online journal called the European Journal of Legal Studies (EJLS), which reflects the linguistic and intellectual diversity of European legal scholarship.

This is a journal committed to the very highest standards in academic research and the first edition, concerning ‘cross-perspectives’ in law, features articles by internationally renowned scholars. The EJLS prefers a comparative, contextual and interdisciplinary approach to a broad range of International and European legal issues; with specific sections on international law, European law, comparative law and theories of law.

At the core of the EJLS are two founding principles: free access and linguistic diversity. Every article will be translated into another language reinforcing the importance of a deepening dialogue and international co-operation on legal matters. In addition the EJLS participates in the Open Access Initiative, ensuring the journal is freely distributed on the internet. It also takes part in the Open Archive Initiative by being referenced on CADMUS, the repository of EUI publications.

The EJLS welcomes and encourages original and thought-provoking contributions from young lawyers and doctoral students as well as submissions which are jointly authored. The quality of publications is guaranteed by a rigorous and independent peer-review involving the entire EUI legal community as well as specialists in particular areas of law which will provide constructive responses to the articles submitted.

We hope that you frequently have recourse to visit our website at and warmly invite you to make submissions to the journal on the occasion of the first call for papers.