27 januari: Commissie lanceert wekelijkse nieuwsbrief over staatssteun
Nieuwsbericht | 26-01-2006
Brussels, 27 th January 2006
The European Commission has launched a new electronic newsletter, the "State Aid Weekly e-News", for all those interested in state aid issues. The newsletter will set out the activities of the Commission in the area of state aid, including the latest legislative developments, Commission decisions, news, upcoming events, reports and studies. The initiative forms part of the Commission's efforts under the State Aid Action Plan (see IP/05/680 and MEMO/05/195) to raise awareness of the EC Treaty's rules to ensure that state subsidies do not distort competition.
"State Aid Weekly e-News" is designed for all those affected by the EC Treaty's state aid rules, including national authorities, legal and business communities, taxpayers and citizens, to make state aid developments more transparent and to provide a simple means of keeping updated on recent developments in this area. E-News will usually be issued on Fridays and will provide easy access to decisions and other state aid related information and documents in a structured and transparent manner.
E-News will cover the activities of the four Directorates-General of the European Commission that deal with state aid issues, namely Competition, Transport and Energy, Agriculture and Fisheries, providing for the first time an overview of the latest legislative developments, public consultations and formal investigation procedures open to public comment. It will also list all new state aid decisions and provide easy access to new public versions of decisions, information on block exempted measures introduced in the Member States, upcoming events, reports, studies and other news. It also covers state aid cases before the European Court of Justice. Finally, "State Aid Weekly e-News" will report on relevant European Economic Area developments, in particular decisions taken by the EFTA Surveillance Authority. Interested readers can receive it by email through the subscription link at this address:
http://europa.eu.int/comm/coreservices/mailing/index.cfm?serviceid=7375 or can read it directly on the DG Competition website at: http://europa.eu.int/comm/competition/state_aid/overview/newsletter.html