Eurocrisis recht in kaart gebracht
Nieuwsbericht | 29-07-2015
Het gaat om de website van het project Constitutional Change through Euro Crisis Law
De website bevat landenrapporten over de politieke context, de begrotingsprocedure en wijzigingen van het constitutionele recht, mede aan de hand van parlementaire stukken, nationale wetten ter uitvoering van euromaatregelen en rechtspraak van nationale consitutionele en hoogste rechters. Gedetailleerd wordt ingegaan op de noodmaatregelen, het ESM-verdrag, de ontwikkelingen in het kader van artikel 136, lid 3, van het EU-Werkingsverdrag, het Stabiliteitsverdrag, Euro Plus Pact, het Six Pack, en de discussies in de landen die financiƫle steun hebben aangevraagd.
This project is a study of the impact of Euro Crisis Law (by which we mean the legal instruments adopted at European or international level in reaction to the Eurozone crisis) on the national legal and constitutional structures of the 28 Member States of the European Union. The study has the following objectives:
Recent scholarly debate on Euro Crisis Law is mainly focused on the European legal dimension, and on normative issues of democratic legitimacy, legality, and the balance between austerity and growth policies. Contributions do also exist on the impact of Euro Crisis Law on specific national constitutional orders, but a comprehensive study is so far lacking. The current project intends to fill this gap.
The project is based at the EUI Law Department and is funded by the EUI Research Council (2013-2015). The reports are based on a detailed questionnaire and on a wider range of sources, including minutes of parliamentary debates, national laws ratifying and implementing Euro Crisis Law, case law of national constitutional or supreme courts.