5 juli: EP houdt debat over nieuw comitologiebesluit


5 juli: EP houdt debat over nieuw comitologiebesluit

(bron: agenda Europees Parlement,

On Wednesday evening, there will be a joint debate on comitology. Richard CORBETT (PES, UK) has two reports: Comitology: exercise of implementing powers conferred to the Commission and Implementing powers conferred on the Commission, Comitology. Interinstitutional agreement.

(bron: achtergrondinfo Europees Parlement)

Constitutional affairs - 27-06-2006 - 13:08

New deal on comitology: Parliament can block Commission decisions

A compromise reached on 13 June by representatives of the Commission, the Parliament and the Council on the so-called comitology procedure allows MEPs, for the first time, to block implementing decisions taken by the Commission. It also means Parliament will be informed of these decisions in all official languages and extends the time available for Parliamentary scrutiny.
After a five month negotiation, undertaken, on behalf of the Parliament, by Richard Corbett (PES, UK) and Joseph Daul (EPP-ED, FR), the three EU Institutions agreed to reform the current comitology system, which gives no real blocking power to MEPs. The agreement also improves Parliament's rights to be informed, by ensuring that the Commission provides detailed information on all comitology activities in all official languages.

Mr Daul said "The agreement is a major breakthrough for the Parliament. Now it enjoys real power of control on Commission's most important implementing mea sures. We have wanted to achieve this since the Maastricht Treaty. This is not the end of the line: the Constitution provided for a better solution and we'll keep on working to further improve Parliament's role in comitology procedures."

Mr Corbett, speaking during a debate on 21 June in the Legal Affairs Committee, called the compromise "a significant step forward for the European Parliament... if the EP objects, the Commission cannot enact its measures - though there are limits: it applies only to codecision matters."

The EU legislature - when the codecision procedure is used, this means the Parliament and the Council - often delegates powers to Commission to adopt the detailed measures need to implement legislation. The comitology system enables the Council to scrutinise the work of the Commission and, in most important cases, to block its decisions. The comitology procedures have been criticised since their introduction, mainly because Parliament does not enjoy the same rights as the Council, despite its role as co-legislator. At present, the Commission, when exercising these delegated implementing powers, can proceed with decisions, even if the Parliament opposes them.

With the new agreement, Parliament and Council are now put on equal footing for all comitology procedures related to codecision acts.

REF.: 20060626BKG09280